Charles Moller makes handpans using Australian steel. He uses pneumatic hammers (modified sand rammers) for all the forming and shaping.
Tuning is done with ball peen hammers.

sunk, ready to
locate notes
or form hole
for sinking

hole forming
Handpan mesh model created by Charles Moller using FREECAD. He made some handpans using incremental sheet forming (a company in Melbourne does ISF). It works but still requires a lot of hammering before tuning.
hole formed
dimples formed
ready to
shape note panels
Scale: D Egyptian pentatonic D3 G3 A3 C4 D4 E4 G4 A4
Also works well as A minor pentatonic.
Recorded and played by Baran Yildiz.
Scale: D minor, also know as D kurd 9 D3 A3 Bb3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4
Recorded and played by Baran Yildiz.